If you took time to actually read the stories DVDmom posts, you would see they all come with the standard disclaimer that most people survive, deaths are rare, flu is mild, yadda yadda yadda. Guess what, most people survived in 1918 too. Oh, and it was mild too according to the govt. That is, until it wasn't.
The stuff I’ve read didn’t come with any disclaimer. Let me know when you’ve read the posts more closely.
Hysteria is not something we should push going into any flu season. Every year has the potential to go terribly wrong.
The recipe is always devised six months before it hits the medical facility shelves. There are always strains that are missed. There is always the potential for things to get out of hand. If you knew what you were talking about, you’d know this.
So this year is like any other year. We just don’t know. Acting as if we do, is just juvenile.
I would add this to my point about 1918 above.
Not only did most people survive 1918, 98% of them did.
But the 2% that didn’t, that meant more Americans lost, than were lost in WWI, WWII, Vietnam and Korea combined.
No one knows whether this will be that bad, but it sure doesn’t look promising. Or it could fizzle out, or it could hook up with H5N1 be worse than anything the world has ever seen. Who knows?
Bottom line is, somehow folks have gotten the idea in the US that we are invincible, and that a catastrophe of this proportion could never happen to us. The same way folks take a ho-hum view of how the Obama administration is trying sinking our country into socialism. Only you’d think the folks at FR would be all over TPTB efforts to hide the truth.
I will say it again. There are good people who work at the CDC, but the people at the top, who call the shots are POLITICAL appointees. The ones currently running things they are far-left liberals. I personally am not convinced they have our best interests in mind. Since the pandemic started, you wouldn’t believe how many times they have moved the goal posts, hidden the data, changed how they report the numbers whenever things look bad. People like DvdMom, LJ and i have been doing this everyday for the past year at least. You would be shocked.
That’s all I’m gonna say about it. 10 kids died since I posted my list that started this bru-ha-ha. 8 of them had no pre-exisiting conditions. Two of them died the same day they started feeling sick. Something could be changing. Somebody’s gotta pay attention. The folks who we pay to do that (with our taxes), and protect people have left the building, unfortunately.