Posted on 06/24/2009 5:37:08 AM PDT by Josh Painter
Governor Sarah Palin recently tweeted:
"Got Fed ok for Adjutant Gen Campbell, Command Sgt Major Choate and me to travel to our Ak Army Natl Guard troops on Wed. Glad to go to them"The 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate's tweet didn't say exactly where she would travel to visit the toops. But one has to wonder why she would need permission from the Feds to visit her own state's Guard troops unless she's talking... er, tweeting about going overseas to do it. The only other place we can think of that she might need federal permission to visit Alaska Army Guard troops is Fort Greely. The missile base, however, is a hundred miles from Fairbanks, so a visit to the facility would not involve much in the way of travelling. Also, Gen. Cambell should not need federal permission to visit Greely.
The governor is about due for a return trip to visit Alaska's troops in the M.E.:
In July 2007, Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) traveled to a U.S. military base in Kuwait to visit Alaska National Guard soldiers who provide logistical support for our operations in Iraq. On her return trip, she stopped to visit wounded troops at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany.Detachments of the Alaska Guard have been sent to both Iraq and Afghanistan since 2005. An infantry battalion was deployed to the middle east in 2006, and another infantry company deployed to Iraq in 2007. The governor's son Track deployed with his regular Army unit in 2008. The Alaska Army National Guard's aviation units have also seen a series of company sized rotations to Iraq.
If Gov. Palin does go back to the M.E., it would be a major story. It would also be a touching one if she could visit Track in Afghanistan. Intrigued, we're awaiting something more specific from the governor regarding her travel plans.
- JP
She will visit the troops. He just goes out for ice cream.
She has actual experience and knows what she is doing...
Hey JP should is say Iraq and not Arghanistan:
“It would also be a touching one if she could visit Track in Afghanistan. Intrigued, we’re awaiting something more specific from the governor regarding her travel plans.”
I akso think you are rigt about a Middle East trip. This is from Gov. Palin this morning.
AKGovSarahPalinTravel now to bring appreciation from their Alaska family & Natl Guard leadership to heroes in US European Command’s area of responsibility
3 minutes ago from TwitterBerry
This is so awesome! Sarah is truly a loving, compassionate and patriotic American! She gets more incredible, each and every day!
I really hope she gets to see Track! I hope he’s doing well!
Of course, the liberal media will either spin this or totally ignore it.
God bless our troops and God bless Sarah Palin & her family!
Looks like she’s headed to Kosovo, where the Artic Eagles are deployed:
Of course, nothing would prevent her from going on to the M.E. from there.
She will likely stop in Germany to visit the wounded at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center again.
- JP
The 1/207th has been deployed to Kosovo since December 2008 on a one-year peacekeeping and peace enforcement mission. The company has provided air support with Black Hawks helicopters to U.S. and Coalition forces.
My sons room-mate went with this group. Some have had a chance at a ‘mid-tour’ leave, but it was the off seeason - no salmon fishing.
Alaskan based troops have served in Iraq and the ‘Stan.
Goos for Sarah - maybe she can take some fresh Copper River salmon over to grill with the troopers. has to wonder why she would need permission from the Feds to visit her own state's Guard troops unless she's talking... er, tweeting about going overseas to do it. The only other place we can think of that she might need federal permission to visit Alaska Army Guard troops is Fort Greely.
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