Yeah the Washington insiders are not good at calling races. It is a pity that so many at the top in the GOP still have a destructive Machiavellian bent which should be seen as totally unacceptable to the citizen sovereign. Dr. Tom Coburn is one of the best GOP leaders we have. Republicans should live by the creed that they govern solely at the grace of the people who support and elect them. We do not need candidates that can slip in under cover of dark. We need bold reformers who speak to the heart of the foundation of this nation. We need men and women who would’ve gladly stood on Bunker Hill with William Prescott running low on ammo and making every shot count if only for the hope of liberty. We also can take an example from Christ who could have ruled the world but instead rebuked the offer and took his place on his cross and transcended the world.
Very well said! I like to say that I work for a candidate to elect them and then they work for us. A lot of them forget that we are their boss once they get to Washington not the other way around where they vote for what they think is best for us.
The vast majority of time my Congressman and almost always Inhofe and Coburn vote the way Oklahomans want them to vote.