the Indian Health Service... mismanagement... had allowed $15.8 million worth of equipment to be lost or stolen between 2004 and 2007... resulted in the service's headquarters possessing 10 pieces of IT equipment for every employee who worked there.Hey, that's only $4 million to $5 million a year. Geez.
Is that a “How” Indian?
Or a spice trading “Indian”?
I’m suffering from PC appropriate language.
Just wait until ACORN takes over the census....they will have 100 pieces of IT equipment per they can fence the excess and put the money into registering efforts.
Millions of Dollars in Property and Equipment Continue to be Lost or Stolen.” More earmarks to follow yes it’s Obama’s logic all right.
You've seen his wars and his technological advances.
You've seen his progress, and the damage he's done.' The Chief nodded in agreement.
The official continued , 'Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?'
The Chief stared at the government official for over a minute and then calmly replied . 'When white man find land, Indians running it, no taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water. Women did all the work, Med icine man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing; all night having FUN.'
Then the chief leaned back and smiled . 'Only white man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that.'