Even Keith Ellison didn't vote nay. He voted present. That is the position of neutrality here. A nay vote is tantamount to support for the Islamic Regime. Again, even Ellison knew that, that's why most people here are portraying Paul as a schmuck, and you what, they're right. I'm sure there was an opportunity to voice his opinion on the senate floor during debate, especially since he is the only one holding that view.
The fact that he doesn't have a meaningful grasp of what a nay vote here really means just shows...(how can I put this nicely)...that he's out of touch with the rest of us sentient beings.
The 'present' vote here is really a nay that the guy doesn't want on his record.
The rollcall I saw indicates that Keith X voted for the resolution. The rep who voted "present" is listed as ELLSWORTH.