He had a history of depression and lately his friends had noticed a change....
Oops, getting ahead of myself.
Hope he doesn’t own a silver revolver...
I hope your post was a sarcasm implying the arkancide technique, and if so, you might correct the record.
.... hitting the fan time!
We just found evidence that he was perusing white supremacist websites based on the browser history on his office computer (No? Drag copy the files from N:USB Drive to his IE History folder. OK? Good job). Ok, where was I?
in an apparent case of suicide, the Ex IG stabbed himself in the back several times, tied his hands and feet together just before throwing himself out the window, then somehow managed to cut his own head clean off with some sort of a sword which seems to be missing at htis point. Meanwhile, a gang of criminals vandalized his house, and surprisingly, the only thing that was taken, were incriminating documents which were stored on a floppy disk, locked inside a home safe, hidden under 12 feet of concrete.
Friends and relatives are shocked, saying that he was such a normal neighbor, if not a bit on the quiet side.
Meanwhile, in other news, all those who knew him, have mysteriously come up missing. Apparently, they were all takign a flight together, when the airbus vanished over the bermuda triangle. authorities plan to investigate some time next week- or hte week after- or at some point anyway.
He seemed so healthy, but his heart stopped. Must of doubled up on Cardizem.
You are Carnac the Magnificent!
When will they find his “suicide” note in his briefcase??