If not for him, would Galt’s Gulch even exist?
For all the talk of individuality here, Galt’s Gulch was certainly a group endeavor. Midas Mulligan buying the land and Galt having a great deal to do with setting it up. I’m a bit perplexed with Galt, however. I understand that he invented the motor and had the dramatic walkout at 20th Century Motors, but the others have actually built up businesses and succeeded at enterprises in the real world, such as it is. All except for Galt and Danneskold among the main characters, I suppose.
Maybe that’s why I think more highly of Reardon than I do of Galt, at least at this juncture. Reardon invented his metal which, although maybe not as spectacular as Galt’s motor, was done while building and running his businesses.
I view Reardon as more of a leader, but then I fall back on the first thing a good leader does is get the best people as part of his endeavor. And Galt has certainly done that! I’m feeling right now that the near Galt worship is a bit overdone.