There is a SCHISM between Catholicism and Protestantism. I do not see “Reformed” Hindu churches.
Now, maybe you can consider the Hare Krisnas as a separate religion from Hinduism (and they seem to think so) but I have yet to see the equivalent of a Protestant Hindu Temple.
And from what I’ve been taught, the entire Universe is Maya or an illusion — and that we are merely thoughts in the mind of the Supreme God according to Hinduism. Now perhaps I have to find a copy of the Vedas and borrow my parents’ Bhagavad-Gita, but that concept is what my Hindu friends keep telling me about.
But regardless ... I should not have made this a focus on Hinduism vs. Christianity — so pardon me for this tangent.
As far as the product of Man’s imagination — that’s quite a leap — given that no atheist knows can know the reason or source of the Creation of the Universe.
Hinduism is not an organized religion. Salvation here is completely up to the individual. It is not a mass-movement, and it was never designed to harvest souls. It is one of the most sincerest idea of a soul being accountable to its Creator, by its own deeds alone. It is not a popularity contest.
But like I said before, all figments of Man's imagination.
No theist knows the origin of his God either. But I can explain it: Man's imagination.
That's a PC-tamed word to describe the ideological antagonism between the two. Ireland continues to burn for this idiocy, to this day. Face it, to one, the other is a heretic or a heathen idolator, respectively.