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To: MyTwoCopperCoins

Because a religion that teaches us to lay down our life for your enemy — gives it a competitive advantage to one that says kill the infidel.

The religion that says all life is precious and that it is important to help those who have no chance at contributing to society stay alive — because they are made in God’s image, gives us an advantage.

The religion that says that you must pray and bless those that persecute you — gives you an advantage. You are in my prayers, why should I take the time out to pray for you if it slows me down?

109 posted on 06/08/2009 1:26:41 PM PDT by rom (Obama '12 slogan: Let's keep on hopin'!)
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To: rom
Because a religion that teaches us to lay down our life for your enemy — gives it a competitive advantage to one that says kill the infidel.




That man I love! Who, unto friend and foe
Keeping an equal heart, with equal mind
Bears shame and glory, with an equal peace
Takes heat and cold, pleasure and pain; abides
Quit of desires, hears praise or calumny
In passionless restraint, unmoved by each,
Linked by no ties to earth, steadfast in Me,
That man I love! But most of all I love
Those happy ones to whom ’tis life to live
In single fervid faith and love unseeing,
Eating the blessèd Amrit of my Being!

- Bhagavad-Gita, Chapter XII, lines 59-69.


The religion that says all life is precious and that it is important to help those who have no chance at contributing to society stay alive — because they are made in God’s image, gives us an advantage.




        Wherever, Indian Prince!
Life is—of moving things, or things unmoved,
Plant or still seed—know, what is there hath grown
By bond of Matter and of Spirit: Know
He sees indeed who sees in all alike
The living, lordly Soul; the Soul Supreme,
Imperishable amid the Perishing:
For, whoso thus beholds, in every place,
In every form, the same, one, Living Lord,
Doth no more wrongfulness unto himself,
But goes the highest road which brings to bliss.
Seeing, he sees, indeed, who sees that works
Are Nature’s wont, for Soul to use, not love,
Acting, yet not the actor; sees the mass
Of separate living things—each of its kind—
Issue from One, and blend again to One.

The Soul’s light shineth pure in every place;
And they who, by such eye of wisdom see
How matter, and what deals with it, divide;
And how the Spirit and the flesh have strife,
These wise ones go the way which leads to Life!

- Bhagavad-Gita, Chapter XIII, lines 95-110
& lines 121-125.


The religion that says that you must pray and bless those that persecute you — gives you an advantage. You are in my prayers, why should I take the time out to pray for you if it slows me down?




I am alike for all! I know not hate,
I know not favor! What is made is Mine!
But them that worship Me with love, I love;
They are in Me, and I in them!


        Nay, Prince!
If one of evil life turn in his thought
Straightly to Me, count him amidst the good;
He hath the highway chosen; he shall grow
Righteous ere long; he shall attain that peace
Which changes not. Thou Prince of India!
Be certain none can perish, trusting Me!
O Prithâ’s Son! whoso will turn to Me,
Though they be born from the very womb of Sin,
Woman or man; sprung of the Vaisya caste
Or lowly disregarded Sudra,—all
Plant foot upon the highest path; how then
The holy Brahmans my Royal Saints?
Ah! ye who into this ill world are come—
Fleeting and false—set your faith fast on Me!
Fix heart and thought on Me! Adore Me! Bring
Offerings to Me! Make Me prostrations! Make
Me your supremest joy! and, undivided,
Unto My rest your spirits shall be guided.


- Bhagavad-Gita, Chapter IX, lines 113-135.




Which religion, again?

112 posted on 06/08/2009 1:44:44 PM PDT by MyTwoCopperCoins (I don't have a license to kill; I have a learner's permit.)
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