I’ll bet this useful idiot also can tell us of all the numerous times Jerusalem is mentioned in the koran.
This is comparing apples to oranges. Islam is not a religion. It is a violent political ideology of which religion is only one component and is used as a means to impose Sharia Laws on non muslim societies.
The agenda: do away with established religion, and replace it with a Godless one, right?
The most violent religion ever is Atheism.
More people were killed in the last 100 years in the name of NO God than all of the other religions combined.
Think communism, nazism, etc.
Silly on its face.
Ask Charles Martel, Vlad the Impaler, and the peoples of India, Persia, Africa, Turkey, and the Baltic region how peacefully they were converted to Islam.
My mother was born in Sicily. They have long, unhappy memories as dhimmies under Moorish domination.
Please spare us the vapid and stupid historical revisionism.
We are not as stupid as you would like us to be.
Oh, and watch the documentaries, “The Third Jihad” and “Obsession”.
That is VERY RECENT history.
Here’s the biggest difference between Christianity, Judaism and Islam- the violent Christians and Jews are the ones betraying their religion. In Islam, the peaceful tolerant Muslims are the ones betraying THEIR religion.
Those poor Muslims were constantly harassed in their home countries in Africa, Asia and Europe, by those mean Christians and Jews.
Muhammed always said that the best times in his life were when he used to bathe in Lake Victoria.
A good article.
Except for Christ’s chasing the money-changers from the Temple, nearly all of the violence is in the OLD TESTAMENT.
Christ’s arrival fulfilled those OT prophesies and relieved those who follow Him of those OT burdens and laws — and violence.
Except that Christians and Jews share the first 5 books of the OT, I can’t speak to any violence in any other sacred Jewish writings.
I CAN say that for New Testament believing Christians, we are not — unlike in the koran of islam — ordered to either convert, enslave and/or tax (if useful) or murder those who refuse to embrace islam.
Christians are only instructed to share the good news about Jesus and God’s grace under the Great Commission, letting the hearer of that good news embrace it or reject it.
Modern Christians — REAL Christians — do not enslave or murder those who reject Christ. We believe that they will pay a far heavier price at a later time.
Are Muslims more likely to kill others in 2009? YES. Only an idiot would think otherwise.
Let's say charitably that Karen's strong suit isn't history.
It is moronic to compare the Old Testament violence of thousands of years ago with the vicious, sadistic, murderous behavior that routinely is practiced by today’s muzzies.
Given that Jews and Christians have been around longer, I’d say yes. But what do I know?
the greatest genocide was the muslim conquest of India
Pffft. Moral equivalence hogwash.
The violence of evil, which allows injustice, unrighteousness, fear, and selfishness is countered by the violence of righteousness, justice, love and grace through faith in Christ.
If youd like to be on or off, please FR mail me.
The warlike spirit of Exodus and the severity of Leviticus are undercut by the later books.
One can't really say that of the Koran. There's just what Muhammed wrote.
Moreover, there are different forms of interpreting scripture in the different religion and different forms of interpretive authority.
Islam tends towards fundamentalism because there isn't a hierarchy or center to authorize interpretations.
So without getting into what the essence of this or that religion is, I'd say that right now Islam tends to be more violent.
"...the idea that Islam imposed itself by the sword is a Western fiction, fabricated during the time of the Crusades when, in fact, it was Western Christians who were fighting brutal holy wars against Islam." So announces former nun and self-professed "freelance monotheist," Karen Armstrong....who also is lying about Islam, Christianity, the Bible, and the Koran.
Whoops, sorry ventanax5 about that ping. Thanks for the topic.