the twitter headline was in all caps
Ignore the CAPS nanny’s.
You’d think their eyes were allergic to CAPS.
You’d think their brains had to work overtime to process CAPS.
When actually, they are just prissy about a social convention that’s consumed too many folks too unwilling to enjoy the precious little DIVERSITY available in text & screen based communications.
They COULD decide that CAPS = raised eyes or that
CAPS = a seductive raised tone or that
CAPS = a twinkly eye’d tease or that
CAPS = a firm assertiveness . . .
. . .
. . .
INSTEAD, they feel COMPELLED in a PRISSY SCREAM to rant about CAPS = yelling.
Welllll whoooop-T-Doo.
I prefer my own dictionary, thank you very much.
[one of my peeves—I love CAPS with my screen 4 feet from my Laz-Y-Boy comfortable head and aging eyes]