Maybe they could stand with the US.
Maybe standing with Israel IS standing with the US. This country is NOT Obama, he's merely the President for another few years. The permanent interests of this country lie with Israel and its people, not our enemies in the Arab World. Opposing Obama is (IMHO) standing with the US.
Will U.S. Jews Stand With Israel - Or Obama?
Maybe they could stand with the US.
Why should they stand with a country founded by heretical puritanical freemasons?
Shame on you, Romulus. I would have never taken you for an Americanist.
Well, would that mean standing with Obama and his policies towards Israel, or with the US Senate and its 76 votes affirming the safety and existence of Israel? The two might not be compatible as Obama policies become more clear.
The US Congress with turn on Obama if his policies begin to endanger Israel, and I expect his policies will unless he changes directions soon.