To: Romulus
Maybe they could stand with the US. Well, would that mean standing with Obama and his policies towards Israel, or with the US Senate and its 76 votes affirming the safety and existence of Israel? The two might not be compatible as Obama policies become more clear.
The US Congress with turn on Obama if his policies begin to endanger Israel, and I expect his policies will unless he changes directions soon.
56 posted on
06/03/2009 3:20:42 PM PDT by
To: Will88; Romulus
If I were you I wouldn't spend a great deal of time arguing with Romulus, Will. He's one of those ultra-traditionalist Catholics, and they are very, very different from Fundamentalist Protestants.
59 posted on
06/03/2009 3:24:09 PM PDT by
Zionist Conspirator
(Vesamu 'et-shemi `al-Benei Yisra'el, va'Ani avarekhem.)
To: Will88
The U.S. Congress , so long as it is Democrat controlled will never turn on obama, neither will the media.
122 posted on
06/03/2009 5:06:25 PM PDT by
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