That's funny coming from an evo.
Have scientists come up with a definition of *species* that they can all agree on?
Good point, Metmom. When it comes to the definition of species, the Evos are still in the disagree to agree stage.
The Baraminology group.
Those are the advances that have been made in creation “science” in the last hundred years?
They perhaps have agreed upon a definition of “kinds”, but most likely not.
Meanwhile in the last hundred years actual science has come up with vaccines, medicines, antibiotics, sequenced genomes, derived the universal genetic code, invented enzymes for industrial applications, etc, etc.
Against all that you have Baraminology.
Look in the mirror and say to yourself.
“Baraminology is just as useful to the world as knowing the universal genetic code.”
Maybe if you repeat it to yourself often enough you will actually believe it.