You folks don’t get to call the shots. these places may not even want you there. What good can come of it? Why should you have the right to tell your story in any church? “We just want” ought to be the slogan for the homosexual movement.
And incidentally, if anyone thinks I am too harsh, this is what the activist gays have done ALL ALONG. At first, it was “We Just Want” to not be criminalized. Then “We Just Want” not to be classifed as disordered. Then “We Just Want” to be recognized that we exist. Then “We just Want” the same rights as everyone else (they already did). Then “We Just Want” to talk to kids in school about this. Then “We Just Want” to change what marriage is to include two men or two women. Then “We Just Want” special protections via hate crimes laws.
It’s the same ol’, same ol’. We Just Want.
They ought to make them first have to sit through a bunch of other good Christian folks sharing THEIR life stories and explaining why all kinds of perversion need to be outlawed, let the gays sit through an hour or two of other speakers opposed to homosexuality before they get to speak their little piece.
Ann Coulter said something along those lines: The group w/o a voice that won’t shut up.