One of the truest and saddest comments in quite some time.
The entire mess, of course, was brought to us by our corrupt corps of elite politician in Washington.
It goes beyond this too unfortunately. The “fight culture” that is being sold to our kids today, is very destructive. There have been movies out that glamorize beating others to a pulp. You’re not a real man if you can’t take getting beat to a pulp yourself.
I saw a report the other night, that clubs are having serious problems with groups fighting outside on the way in. And once inside, it’s still a problem.
This stuff is being programmed into our kids.
While Brad Pitt goes on his merry way to making more tens of millions for his next flick, young kids are being killed and seriously injured as a result of his participation in “Fight Club”. He’s not the only one of course. There are other examples out there too.
Then we have our elected officials trying to destroy this nation from the top down too.
Good grief.
True, and Obama is an expert in political payoffs, of which amnesty would be the biggest prize.