Posted on 05/10/2009 3:23:17 PM PDT by lewisglad
More than 25 of the CIA's war-on-terror prisoners were subjected to sleep deprivation for as long as 11 days at a time during the administration of former president George Bush.
At one stage during the war on terror, the Central Intelligence Agency was allowed to keep prisoners awake for as long as 11 days, citing memoranda made public by the Justice department last month.
The limit was later reduced to just over a week, the report stated.
Sleep deprivation was one of the most important elements in the CIA's interrogation programme, seen as more effective than more violent techniques used to help break the will of suspects.
Within the CIA it was seen as having the advantage of eroding a prisoner's will without leaving lasting damage.
When detainees could no longer stand, they could be laid on the prison floor with their limbs "anchored to a far point on the floor in such a manner that the arms cannot be bent or used for balance or comfort," a memo dated May 10, 2005, said.
"The position is sufficiently uncomfortable to detainees to deprive them of unbroken sleep, while allowing their lower limbs to recover from the effects of standing," it said
I was kept sitting on a chair, shackled by hands and feet for two to weeks," said suspected Al Qaeda operative Abu Zubaydah, the first prisoner captured by the CIA, according to the Red Cross report. "If I started to fall asleep, a guard would come and spray water in my face."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Oh, the horror. /s
It’s only fair, the terrorists cost us all enough sleep.
Too bad they didn’t lose their heads instead of their sleep.
Well, if I was given a choice... I would go with that one instead of having my limbs cut off...
“More than 25 of the CIA’s war-on-terror prisoners were subjected to sleep deprivation for as long as 11 days at a time during the administration of former president George Bush.”
Thinking of all the beheading videos produced by the jihadis over the years...I’m sure most (or maybe all) of those victims of terror would gladly like their heads back and would prefer to lose sleep vs. losing their heads.
The anxiety after the attacks certainly justified keeping these pukes awake. In fact, I’d have gladly cut off their heads with rusty, dull knives. Still would enjoy doing that. Make those suckers spurt big time! Them and their running dog lackeys.
I hope they got coffee.
“I hope they got coffee.”
I hope they got some sleeping pills and were forced to stay awake
Then, for good measure pull their teeth out with pliars and force them to drink acid.
But that's just me, call me cruel.
Hey, that was the good part ~ how perceptive of you to have sensed that.
at least there wasn’t panties on the head...that’s gotta count for sumpin <*/s off>
But did they have to wear panties on their head. Oh the shame of it. LOL
>> I hope they got coffee.
Me too!
Whole pot of the stuff at one time. From McDonald’s. Boiling hot.
Delivered via enema.
These a-holes would complain if they were put up on the concierge floor at the Hilton!
We did however get very good information that allowed Bush & Cheney to keep citizens of this country safe.
& the bad guy’s did get a nap after chirping. Right?
“More than 25 of the CIA’s war-on-terror prisoners were subjected to sleep deprivation for as long as 11 days at a time during the administration of former president George Bush.”
It sure beats having your head chopped off.
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