I totally disagree, at least as far as the recent presidential election. The primary process as is currently configured completely disenfranchised ninetysix percent of the Republican electorate, by allowing four states representing approximately 3.5% of the US population to wipe out ALL conservatives from the primary process. After the first four states' primaries, only McCain, Huckabee, and Paul remained (Possibly Hunter, but he was a walking dead contestant) if I recall correctly. By the time TX got to vote, there was only McCain, Huck, and Paul. So NO, I DIDN'T ELECT THESE TURKEYS!
I was speaking more to the general trend towards liberalism in the Republican party (aka Rinos) over the last several decades. At the state and local level, our Congressional representatives are elected directly by us. Our involvement in local politics (or lack thereof) does have an impact on Washington, for Obama derives his totalitarian power from Congress.
The public has been slowly snookered into allowing ever more liberal candidates to be elected, thus there is now a one-party system governing the country.
Not knowing how to fight criticism from the left, and a lack of local participation, has IMO led to this disaster.
My apologies for not being more specific.