That’s a good question. Soros may be the big theorist behind this (although I’m not entirely convinced that he is), but somebody with a radical agenda is sitting right next to TOTUS and whispering the day’s plan in his big ears every morning.
Bambi is not smart and knows nothing about business or finance; this is somebody else’s plan. But the question is...whose?
This is a page out of Illinois politics. There isn't a great deal of support for an increase in the personal income tax, so they ding small business and corporations.
Mastermind of this idea: Andy Stern, President of the SEIU.
Agree on Soros. They share similar goals- but as to the string pulling- there’s someone(s) much closer. As you point out- Obama is not versed in economics and finance.
I honestly have a hard time seeing Summers or Volker pushing this agenda (GM, offshore tax havens etc).
Marx's. Bambi doesn't have to know anything about economics to implement marxism. Just start taking control in the face of a crisis. Do you hear any of the execs from these companies complaining?