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To: Free ThinkerNY
LOL. Huntsman is a liberal
2 posted on
05/05/2009 2:19:55 PM PDT by
(THE Conservative party:
To: Free ThinkerNY
Please don’t throw me in that briar patch!
3 posted on
05/05/2009 2:20:51 PM PDT by
(The only remedy for a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.)
To: Free ThinkerNY
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG gotta be kidding me right..who, no seriously I’ve never heard of him..WOW, the Obama Administration must really think we are dumber then a bucket of rocks
To: Free ThinkerNY
Based on the incoming fire from their allies in the ObamaMedia, Sarah Palin is, by far, the force the cowardly liars on the left fear the most.
She is The One.
6 posted on
05/05/2009 2:21:51 PM PDT by
To: Free ThinkerNY
Please, PLEASE don’t throw me into that brier patch!!
To: Free ThinkerNY
Then no one send money to Jon Huntsmen. What am I talking about. The GOP will show they still have their heads up their a&&es and fling every dollar behind the guy Obama SAYS he fears.
We are doomed unless the GOP either goes away or is taken over.
8 posted on
05/05/2009 2:23:29 PM PDT by
(Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose- Kris Kristoferrson)
To: Free ThinkerNY
Propaganda. The leftists love to run against RINOs, because the RINOs always lose.
In reality, they are terrified of running against a conservative, because the conservative would win.
Over half of eligible voters don't bother to vote because they don't see a dime's worth of difference between the liberal Democrat and the liberal Republican.
12 posted on
05/05/2009 2:26:12 PM PDT by
To: Free ThinkerNY
This last election the Democrat News Services, both print and broadcast, had to go “all in” against a left to moderate with a conservative running mate. If conservatives are so easy to beat, why expend capital so dramatically? Me thinks this may be a diversion.
13 posted on
05/05/2009 2:27:48 PM PDT by
(Tagline? We don't need no stinkin' tagliine.)
To: Free ThinkerNY
"Huntsman has positioned himself in a great place right now because he is the only presidential candidate really running in the middle right now."
Key word: middle.
A middle-road Republican will not win in 2012. Not unless Team Obama screw up worse than Carter did. Then, any Republican could possibly win.
14 posted on
05/05/2009 2:28:59 PM PDT by
To: Free ThinkerNY
Kirk Jowers of the University of Utahs Hinckley Institute of Politics says, "Huntsman has positioned himself in a great place right now because he is the only presidential candidate really running in the middle right now." The middle! ... The middle? ...
The middle? Oh yeah, The middle! That's where it's all muddled up as liberal lite and conservative lite! Yeah, another Romneyesque non-conservative leaping for the mushy middle horse.
15 posted on
05/05/2009 2:29:41 PM PDT by
(Believing they cannot be deceived, they cannot be convinced when they are deceived.)
To: Free ThinkerNY
I’m sure they’re hoping Olympia Snowe doesn’t decide to run too.
17 posted on
05/05/2009 2:32:41 PM PDT by
To: Free ThinkerNY
(take a breath)
Absolutely the most stupid, idiotic, ^@&*!(( idea ever!
The dems would LUV to see this Jackass in the running!
19 posted on
05/05/2009 2:33:52 PM PDT by
( - this domain name for sale)
To: Free ThinkerNY
I wonder how much Huntsman paid that mewling little weasel Vanocur to write this story?
To: Free ThinkerNY
Which means they fear this liberal the least.
26 posted on
05/05/2009 2:42:51 PM PDT by
(~"This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps !"~~)
To: Free ThinkerNY
Dear Mr. Plouffe: Don’t worry. The liberal RINO Huntsman will never be our nominee. Sleep well.
You tool.
28 posted on
05/05/2009 2:46:18 PM PDT by
To: Free ThinkerNY
Right. Just like Clinton most feared Bob Dole. The crap is starting to bloom early this election cycle.
To: Free ThinkerNY
Bull crap! Here are the people Hussein fears:
Sarah Palin
Rush LimbaughIf Hussein feared this Huntsman guy, Gollum Carville and the pack of media and liberal wolves would be attacking him like they've been attacking Beautiful and Intelligent Sarah and Wise and Dashing Rush.
35 posted on
05/05/2009 3:01:29 PM PDT by
(I'm SO glad I no longer belong to the party of Dependence on Government!)
To: Free ThinkerNY
I believe Huntsman is pro-amnesty, and his dad is the gazillionaire who is giving away all of his $. LDS also, I believe.
37 posted on
05/05/2009 3:01:56 PM PDT by
To: Free ThinkerNY
Zero hasn’t been right about anything, how can anyone assume he is right about this?
38 posted on
05/05/2009 3:06:08 PM PDT by
depressed in 06
(If you are in a concentration camp and nobody know you are there, are you really there?)
To: Free ThinkerNY
I remember hearing Bob Beckel last year assuring us that the candidate they feared most was....John McCain.
I had suspected that the media was making every effort to choose the two candidates. That is the moment when I no longer had any doubt.
41 posted on
05/05/2009 3:11:19 PM PDT by
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