The very last statement in that lessons was “go and sin no more.” How could anyone interpret that to mean “go and take the People magazine cash and not marry the father of your child?”
This kind of talk, while serious, is not itself sexual sin.
And the bible is absolutely plainly clear that Bristol was let out of having to marry Levi, when Levi cheated on her.
Of course it’s to go and sin no more.
But you’re doing what the left and media do all the time. It’s blatant when they do it and it’s blatant when our side does it.
If you want to apply Scripture to her situation, it is her father who should decide whether or not she and the boy who impregnated her should get married (according to OT law anyway). The father of the child has shown himself to be a vindictive little publicity hound, and Todd and Sarah would be very wise to counsel Bristol not to marry the boy. Under our laws he will be entitled to a relationship with the child, and they will obviously accommodate that, but they should do everything they can to minimize his influence on the child until he demonstrates a tremendous improvement in maturity and character.