Le Ping
Well, good, hope it holds and widens. Of course, I want “decent” Republicans to win, no more socialist-lite trash.
This can’t be true. The media said the GOP is dead. It’s been proven by the Specter defection.
woopty doo!!!! There is no election today or tomorrow. Now that Specter the schmuck is now a DEMONcrat, this poll means crapola.
The problem is when the generic gets replaced with an actual politician.
Up until now, the media is using 18 to 20% republicans... 38% plus for dims... mid to high 30’s for indies.
And yet there is virtually no chance that the Republicans win back Congress. Go figure.
That’s funny because Juan Williams on FOX Report just said the GOP is dead. Dems supposedly have a 20 point generic ballot lead in (the bogus) ABC poll.
He said this with a straight face.
The worst thing that could happen to us is that we actually take either the House or the Senate in ‘10.That would allow Hussein to pull a “Clinton ‘96” in ‘12.The best case scenario is that we come close enough to taking one and/or the other to cause Hussein to stall in his tracks.
This is meaningless unless the public really begins to frighten Dems regarding re election. The Blue Dog Dems might feel the effect first. That’s about the only good news I can glean from something like this because the election is so far off that the entire Dem agenda could be in place long before then. If it is it won’t really matter who gets elected in 2010.
This will change.
Free elections are over.
The more we purge POS’s like Specter, the better our numbers become.
tea Party effect ... In every Congressional district.
this poll will widen, I speak with people that thought obamama was the hottest thing since sliced bread, now the SAME PEOPLE approch me and tell me they can’t believe they voted for the loser in cheif, one at a time OUR Country is waking up to this, empty suit punk excuse of a human
ssshhhhhhh don’t alert the clusterf*ck clown car known as the “media” ...they’ll have to find a republican to “foot tap” in the bathroom before the mid term primaries...they were hoping to wait at least 6 more months before character assassinating any and all repub candidates that they can....
This is Hussein’s Amerika. We’re just living in it.
Are we done yet?
Are we going to have to suffer under the full weight of soviet style communism before the general American public gets it?
Conservatives need to reacquaint Americans with the revolution.