The end of the world is just the beginning.
Alas, Babylon.
four and half billion years in the making, just eight to ten billion more to go.
SUN WILL NOVA! News at 11.
The flu bug is scary stuff, but not the end of the world....
....maybe just us humans.
And I feel fine.
Will you folks relax?
Mexico has terrible nutrition and health standards - they are more susceptible to this than we are.
In the cases in the USA, a handful of people got sick. They are not at death’s door. If there is a breakout in the USA, a lot of us will be sick for a couple of weeks. Resources will be focused on the very young and the very old, those more susceptible to more serious complications.
Rugged individualism, indeed.
I was thinking the same thing when I saw the reports on the Mormon Cricket plague today...LOL, has anyone checked the moon?