My experience with you is that you do not know what you are talking about. I have spoken to someone who is an obvious explosives expert to me, and he tells me he could have done this too. What expertise do you have that causes you to say it couldn't have happened the way my acquaintance (engineering college friend) says it could have happened? (You can't even spell column!)
“My experience with you is that you do not know what you are talking about.”
I don’t need any experience to know he doesn’t know what he is talking about. Way too many people in this thread sound like Rosie Odonell. Tehy start with an idiotic premise that the truck could not have brought down the building and the next thing you know, FBI agents planted the charges. It’s sick.
Your ‘friend’ lacks the credentials of General Benjamin K. Partin.
Your friend knows that unshaped charges, which that truck bomb was, explode with equal force in all directions.
That’s simple physics.
The Murrah building was reinforced concrete construction full of intertwined reinforcing steel.
The front facade would have come down, but that building fell apart almost all the way to the back column bay.
Why didn’t that happen across the street? There was no resistance to the blast force as it crossed the street, unlike the Murrah building which would have resisted the blast.
The truck might have taken down the first bay of the building, but not all the way to the back.
A wooden building, a dryvit faced building with steel studding yes, but not one of reinforced concrete.
Not the size and location of those columns.
Simple physics.
Otherwise, Controlled Demolition Inc. could implode buildings by parking a truck outside a building and bring it down.
Doesn’t happen that way.