Your point is well taken. There are is a percentage of decent politicians. Let me clarify a little here - I’m not suggesting lying about people - like we’ve all seen done. I’m suggesting *suggesting* what might clearly be the case and doing it a lot, regarding evidently corrupt politicos in both parties (just a lot more Ds on that count, imho). This grassfire, word of mouth is what the D activists do to minimize their enemies. I’m suggesting that, within reason, we use their own techniques agin ‘em. Now, once we’ve replaced 300 or so reps and about 75 Senators - we can calm down and quit our agitating. But we’re in crisis mode, in my view. I’m suggesting we use the power of the internet and the social networking tools at our disposal in somewhat similar ways that the Ds have been doing to maxmize on conservative or at least Republican party politicos failures. Let’s spread that particular wealth to the Democrat party.