Your “right” to “free speech” does not include interrupting some group that is peacefully gathered (the conservatives).
Same with the pinko witch who interrupted John McCain's GOP acceptance speech.
Here is it’s companion article in the Raleigh News and Obstructor:
Ah..... Freedom of Speech.
You gotta love it./sarcasm
I think this is just the more Americans step up to make thier voices be heard, those on the left are going to come out in full force to shut us down.
It can get real ugly.
Typical for the People’s Republic of Chapel Hill. Marxist display to deny the freedom of speech of a conservative. In this society of Barack Omamamamabamamama, only those who follow the Great Zero will be allowed to speak.
Were the protesters ‘right-wing extremists’ on the DHS list? /rhetorical?
No surprise students are intolerant of free speech that disagrees with their point of view. It’s what they’ve been learning from their teachers and professors for years and years.
Liberal brown shirted fascists need to be meet with greater force. It is way past time to teach them a lesson.
These protests are led by students who have drank the liberal Kool-aid their professors have fed them. They havent started paying taxes yet. Wait until these students become more Conservative after they have started paying through the nose for illegals to live here.
Right now Momma and Daddy are providing for them, when they have to provide for themselves ,and illegals too their positions will change.
Don’t you like how uses the term, “unauthorized immigrants?”
Someone should tell the pc-fascists at that they are called ILLEGAL ALIENS!
It’s a revolt against the “physicists” and truth. Ever since the US got the bomb, it’s been a nono for America to figure things out.
College used to be a place where you intelligently described your opinion and backed it up with spirited debate. A necessary skill in life.
Alas, those days are long gone.
Sad to see how the leftist cancer has taken over UNC!!! Whatever happened to free speech???? Free speech is only for the radical left!!
One of my favorite Jesse Helms anecdotes:
The Raleigh area was trying to get the money to build a zoo.
Jesse said “Why build a zoo when we can just put up a fence around Chapel Hill?”
Were very sorry (but not really) that former Congressman Tancredo (a fascist pig) wasnt able to speak. We pride ourselves on being a place where all points of view (that we agree with) can be expressed and heard.
UNC Chancellor Holden Thorp
Protest stops Tancredo's speech Video Part 2
Ping! Could someone ping the full NC list?
Ya gotta love these kids... not the liberal fascists.
Im sure sec nippletano and DHS will be all over this hunting down the left wing extremists who did this.