After almost 30 years and 7 kids, Gibson would have a hard time demonstrating that his marriage wasn’t valid in the eyes of the church. Blows the whole ‘lack of judgement’ requirement right out the window.
You wrote:
“Blows the whole lack of judgement requirement right out the window.”
Actually, neither the number of years nor the number of children has ANYTHING at all to do with lack of judgement in an annulment preceding. Again, the woman I know who got an annulment was “married” for 26 years and had nine kids. The Gibsons were married for 30 years and had seven children. I wonder if they were even properly married in the first place because Mel may already have been a sedevacantist at that time. If the wedding was performed at a sedevacantist ‘church’ then the priest in question would have lacked the proper faculties to perform a wedding according to the Catholic Church. This is one of the problems with SSPX and that’s not even a sedevacantist organization.