To: napscoordinator
Divorce is not recognized by the Church as a negation of your marriage vows - your promise to God - hence you may get divorced via civil law all you want, you're still married in the eyes of Jesus’ Church. You still must be chaste - no relations (emotional or physical) with another. Receiving Holy Communion continues as nothing has changed: just that the couple currently is at odds and needs individual and joint help. Praise God they get it. Marrying again wont happen except in another faith, but I digress. When one is addicted, sometimes to separate civil-ly protects assets and more significantly, helps the one sink to or reach bottom all the more sooner/more fully. Tough love. You make the promise you will split, and you go through with it - but in man eyes, not Gods.
To: If You Want It Fixed - Fix It
I have a question for those of you who know more than me. I got married young (20) and ended up in a very abusive situation. He was arrested by the SWAT team after holding me at gunpoint, etc. I was not married in the church but married civily. Was divorced after 3 years of marriage. My Dh and I are both Catholic, both with early marriages that ended up badly. He was abandoned after 6 months, she just wanted out of the house and had strict parents. Dh’s marriage was recognized by the church. When we went to remarry in 1985 undoing it all seemed so much to even try for theat we just were married civily.I’d love to be able to take communion again but really don’t even know whre to start to try to undo all of this.
To: If You Want It Fixed - Fix It
I don’t know why everyone is so hung up on the word Divorce. Did not God divorce Israel?
So you’re saying that God wouldn’t be welcome in the Church that supposedly bears His name.
95 posted on
04/13/2009 8:48:36 PM PDT by
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