No doubt, huh? Obama needs to realize the game is up... He isn’t fooling anyone with this stuff. A strong case could be made that what Obama did was more appropriately called a “Salaam”, and it is sort of like a Catholic kissing the Pope’s ring — only it’s what a Muslim might do for the Keeper of the Holy Places of Islam...
And, as Barack reminds us ALL THE TIME — ESPECIALLY when he was in TURKEY — he KNOWS the Muslim ways. He said it himself. He was EDUCATED in the Koran and Islam studies through SCHOOL as a child in Indonesia — just like I was personally educated in a Catholic School, and learned about the Roman Catholic religion and our beliefs, and “customs”,
There is NO WAY he was not taught that this was the PROPER way, you MUST greet him. At least that was true back when Obama was taught, and it’s also what a HARDLINE, DEVOUT Muslim would do ANYWAY even if no longer REQUIRED...
Even if Obama’s isn’t a Muslim anymore, and he’s truly just an Atheist Communist or a Racist believing in some Anti-White Black Values Theology called Christian. Well, that COULD cause a problem for him. See the RADICAL terrorists in Islam are directed to silence apostates, and they only do that one way, really... So maybe he is practicing “double taqquiya?” kind of like a “double agent”? He honestly would probably be stupid enough to do that... LOL Wouldn’t want to be him, that’s for sure...
Criminey, he didn't have this problem with the other royalty. Just this one.