Thanks but you really didn’t answer my question.
If you don’t mind sharing with readers? What is your political belief system, in a nutshell?
You (wrongly) claimed Bush bowed to the Saudi king. Whether that was simply a mistake, or dishonest on your part, there’s no way to know. You then used a form of the leftist buzzword “neocon”, you defend 0bozo, then in your explanation you word things very strangely almost as if you are saying one thing, in such a way as to sound like you’re saying the exact opposite.
So. Which Republican do you support right now? (Bush isn’t running, so we really can stop talking about him now ... hint).
Which Republican do you support right now?
And why do you support them?
Thanks in advance. I’ll start. I’m a small-l libertarian America-firster. I support in order:
Sarah Palin
Duncan D Hunter
Mitt Romney, to the extent he can keep his flunkies from bashing Sarah Palin.
OK now. Your turn.
I didn’t know I was subject to your tests!
Please tell me where I supported Obama?
I don’t support anyone in particular for the ‘12 nomination, because it’s 4 YEARS AWAY. If I was forced to choose between the ‘08 contenders and Palin, I would pick her.
The 2 statewide Republicans (Crist and Martinez) from my state are a disgrace.
If you ask if there are any Senate Republicans I admire, they are few and far between. I admire the Senators from Oklahoma, Demint and Sessions (less than 10%).