You have to b a REALLY bad lawyer for the ABA to rate an ACLU lawyer as “not qualified”. Yet the zero thinks that he would be a good choice for America!
Does he TRY to come up with the worst possible people to put in these positions or is he just that incompetent?
Well he's gonna get a new rating now that Obama has tapped him.
Shall we start a pool on what the "new improved" Obamatized rating will be?
“...insert question ...or is he just that incompetent?”
Yeah, the never ending question. Is he really that stupid or crazy like a fox. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard that question! I lean towards incompentent, with blatant bias towards personal causes. He’s definity not for the people.
I think he is spitting in our faces. He hates the country and wants to destroy it. Every one of his selections for any office or position has been tainted.
That is no mistake. He wants Americans to squirm while he insults the very notion of our Republic. This guy is a monster.
I can’t decide who I have more contempt for, him or the brainwashed idiots who voted for him.