I honestly believe that most of the leaders in Washington right now are enjoying the belief that they will get a piece of the “Power Pie” when their agenda is completed. Half of the Republicans were complicit with voting FOR a Bill of Attainder law which was fully admitted as a PUNISHMENT for the people it pertained to. They fully violated the Constitution, and blatantly at that.
I do NOT think the majority of “Republicans” in Washington are on our side. Those that ARE freaking out over the government doing these things, I would hope, are trying as we are, to figure out how to stop the Communist/Caliphate Tsunami overtaking this country at the moment... They will have to step up soon though — God placed them there for a reason and there is only one chance in this life to do what you came here for... They need to stand up. They are probably the only ones in the WORLD that could stop this abuse of power...
Some of them are undoubtedly scared s-less and are just hoping to hang on as long as they can. As soon as they’re out of office they’ll be without defense against the upcoming ex post facto, habeus corpus suspended star chamber show trials.