If true...that’s if...woe unto us as a nation.
The U.S. abandonment of Israel
By Douglas J. Hagmann, Director
8 March 2009: It is indeed change you can believe in. The Obama administration has broken from tradition by choosing to remain silent and failing to condemn a terrorist attack in Israel that occurred last week. On Thursday, Marei Radaydeh, a Palestinian construction worker used a bulldozer to attack a police car, a bus and other vehicles on a busy Jerusalem street, injuring two police officers. Radaydeh used the bulldozer to drag and flip the police car in a busy intersection and pushing it into a bus that was stuck in traffic before being shot and killed. Police found an open Quran in the drivers compartment of the bulldozer. Obamas condemnation was conspicuous amid the praise bestowed upon the terrorist by HAMAS lawmaker and spokesman Mushi el-Masri.
So what, you might say. After all, the incident was really insignificant in the overall scheme of things. Perhaps, but the U.S. response - or lack thereof - is more ominous than it appears.
It has been a long standing policy to stand behind our Israeli allies, even if such policy merely amounts to paying lip service in public while exerting political pressure of restraint privately. Now, it appears evident that the United States, under Barack Hussein Obama as President and Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, is not even willing to do that. The pro-Palestinian, pro-HAMAS agenda of Barack Hussein Obama and his administration should be clear to anyone who is willing to take time away from watching their retirement funds evaporate into thin air, and equally unsettling.
It was December 31, 2008 that I published Part I of my interview with a now retired intelligence official who explained that the U.S. would abandon Israel in favor of the Palestinians, who would attempt to slice and dice the nation of Israel to achieve a lasting peace in the Middle East. According to this source: