RABS -- I think you should write this supercoolish genY progressive valleytwit a letter. Like, Meghan honey, it's not a generation thing!
I have yet to see this airhead outline exactly what policies she professes other than being pro-gay marriage and the ever-tiresome social liberal. Oh yeah... and she says she is clueless on the economy. Her opinion on foreign policy is probably "Like, you know, everyone should be able to fly to Kakakhstan on mommy's private jet... It's just, like kewl!"
I would be willing to write a letter, with copies delivered to the official domain registrant of McCainBlogette.com, as well as the offices of The Daily Beast, Sen. McCain, Ann Coulter, and Laura Ingraham, if other Freepers in their late teens and early to mid twenties would be willing to collaborate on and cosign the letter.
Meghan McCain is appointing herself the spokeswoman of an entire generation. And, the media is using her as the spokeswoman of the Republican Party.
What a twit. She probably things that young conservatives and young libertarians are abominations.
And her entire vision is....? same sex marriage, abortions, “Like don't judge, ya know,I am proud that I am not understood by republicans, it's a generational thing, ya know”
You accuse Meg of being shallow? Here she is writing about IMPORTANT issues like having trouble dating since dad ran for president. Turns out she doesnt like guys that worship her Dad. Hey, Rabs, How about you? You dont worship McCain!
MOZARKDAWG (back in '76, at 13): I consider myself a conservative Republican. I am conservative on social issues, heck, all issues, regardless they define a party or not. I have taken heat, but in fairness to me, I am a different generation than the people that are giving me heat. I'm 13 years old. I'm not in my 40s, I'm not in my 50s and older. And I think there's just such a generation gap, that the people that don't understand me, I actually take it as a compliment, that sort of this new young Republican can come forward and make progress and be successful in the ways that this party has currently failed.
Let me add, Larry, I will be volunteering for Ronald Reagan, working on his campaign when he runs in 1980, though I will not be old enough to vote for him yet. I see this man as empowering conservatives like me, those who have been ignored by Nixon and Ford Republicans, those soft-in-the-center types who don't espouse limited government, States' rights, but are bound and determined to throw away the Constitution of the United States.