To: Man50D
This has done more to divide Catholics than just about anything Ive seen in recent times,
Catholics are already divided.
To: Rennes Templar
I really don’t think REAL Catholics are divided.
12 posted on
03/24/2009 4:44:14 AM PDT by
To: Rennes Templar
Catholics are already divided. Indeed. As a practicing Catholic, I was shocked and saddened when I saw how many "catholics" voted for Obama. I really believe that Catholic-Democrat is an oxymoran.
14 posted on
03/24/2009 4:47:32 AM PDT by
(Show me just what Mohammd brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman)
To: Rennes Templar; chatham; mc5cents
Before this goes too far, lets not confuse Catholics with CINO’s & Cafeteria Catholics.
Those 51% who voted for Hussein who claim to be Catholics are about as “Catholic” as my cat.
Point, Game, Set, Match!
20 posted on
03/24/2009 5:08:16 AM PDT by
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