It’s not worth saving, it’s completely brain dead and rotting.... unplug it and put it in the dirt.
So our so-called journalists want to become Amtrak. Let's call it Ampress.
What gall.
They'd probably like to double their subscription numbers with the Republican and Conservative readers they've alienated for decades, but too late!
“Other democracies outspend the United States by whopping margins per capita on public media: Canada sixteen times more; Germany twenty times more; Japan forty-three times more; Britain sixty times more; Finland and Denmark seventy-five times more.”
So what is this guy trying to demonstrate? That per capita on spending public media is inversely proportional to personal freedom? We already know that. But note how the left considers it axionmatic that the U.S. (still the most free and wealthy country in the world) should seek to copy the “Other Democracies”.
Have we had any great newspapers since WWII?
That was when I started reading newspapers and watched them turn into PR wings for the DNC.
The amazing thing is, and the author who seems like an intelligent person, that he really doesn’t get the picture at all. All the reasons which he states do not get to the fact that most newspapers do not print news, but propaganda for the liberals in power and spew hate if a perceived conservative is in power. They have many of the characteristics of the controlled former Soviet Union press (Pravda and Izvestiya) and the current Arab presses. The TV networks are not any better.
And he has the gall to ask for tax support. I am postulating that something different will arise from the ashes of large urban dailies in a decade or so.
The Nation. Ever notice how it’s always the communists who want to save the Democrat newspapers?
The First Amendment guarantees a free press.
If these communist propagandists are so in love with the job of being “journalists” let them continue working...for free!
What? No Rather? Oh, that's right - - he got caught.
But what happens when the last reporter stops collecting a newspaper paycheck and goes into PR or lobbying? She'll leave cable an empty vessel and take the public's right to know anything more than a rhetorical flourish with her.
LOL, I haven't seen this kind of eye-rolling political correctness in couple of years.
Politicians and administrators will work increasingly without independent scrutiny and without public accountability.
Har! Yeah, where would we be if our "journalists" hadn't so aggressively vetted the "community organizer" who ran for president? Man, the way the Democrat newsrooms went after Dumbo, even going so far as to send hordes of "investigative journalists" to Alaska to find out where he buys his panties... Oh wait...
I want everybody associated with the Democrat "mainstream" newsrooms to lose their jobs, their homes, their life savings, and their families. For the damage they have done to America, they deserve nothing less. (spit) Good riddance to the big city Democrat newspapers.
By the way, is "elite opinion-makers" just a duplicitous way of saying "propagandists"?
The author of this nonsense is paying NO attention to the basic reason for people turning their backs on what he claims is journalism.
When the “journalism schools” began to turn out extreme left-wing and leftists “journalists” their papers firt angered then disgusted their readers. I personally await the death and burial of the Boston Globe, a newspaper that at one time was the ‘beginning of my day.’
When the Democrat President, Johnson, vastly expanded the war in Vietman, the PRESS, heady from its VICTORY over the hated Richard Nixon, rapidly took on a virulent anti-American position.
Each even was covered in a way to show the USA in the worst possible light. Atrocities committed by the communists was ignored, while the least tragedy involving American troops was trumpeted with a disgusting glee.
From then through the Iraq War, every utterance and rant by a “peace activist” was prominently featured in the press, while any statement in support of American efforts were scornfully dismissed at “war mongering rants”
It continues to this very day, a biased, slanted, and lying media, feeling the onset of the fatal heart attack even while doing daily those things that will ensure their own death.
Sir, stop whining.
I tried to wade through this seemingly interminable article. I understand the negative impact of focusing primarily on making money as opposed to providing responsible journalism. I was feeling that it was getting to be about time to mention the absolutely biased, left leaning reporting of events that has fouled the media.
That change from reporting to opinion shaping is the primary reason that I have no confidence in the MSM, especially rags like the N.Y. Times or the L.A. Times.
Just about the time that it began to register on me that this was a very, very long piece, I arrived at the part where the recommendation is that the government take over the newspapers.
The government? I thought that the government already had taken over the news. I certainly don’t want to legitimize that sureptitious arrangement. I would just as soon have these brainwashed excuses for journalists go and get a real job. Maybe working at Micky D’s?
All our enegies sould probably be directed to preventing the government from taking control of the internet. That effort is probably underway right now. I sure hope I don’t jeopordize any ships with these comments.
Let them die.