With additional funds available through the Stimulus Bill, Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) will provide you with 20 hours of earned income per week while you learn new job skills, gain valuable experience at local community service assignments, and also receive job search assistance. Call the National Able Network at 1-800-655-6073. We a a Senior Community Service Employment Program sponsored by the Department of Labor."
Getting the framework in place....
These people are already putting some commercials out. “Give Back” Give back WHAT?? I never took anything. Let those who have been scamming welfare for years, or raised on it give back, to those of us who paid their way all these years!
Volunteering AND charity is what we in America do best and do better than any nation on earth. These programs will take away our ability to. The govt will instead being forcing people to “do” and “give” (via taxes) their pet projects only, will force people to work in organizations that we do not support and wisely steer clear of, in the name of diversity, taking us out of our comfort zones. These programs are against many articles in the constitution! They force people out of wisely chosen safe areas and environments, and forces them into dangerous ones.