Erman, do you want to hold our guys to this same standard? If four shirts disqualifies you from public service, what does a DUI do? Do you REALLY want to go there?
Go where? Are you talking about Bush's DUI.
Yeah, I'll go there.
Stealing versus drinking. I'll take a guy that was a drunk and is now a non-drinker. Versus a thief. But that's just me.
I just think stealing is basically a need to get something that you want without working for it. It seems to show a need for material things and how important the external signs of wealth/status/whatever are to a person that is a thief.
A DUI can come from drinking and celebrating with bad luck on the drive home... but most DUI's I've seen at work and heard about from friends and acquaintances are from alcoholics. They either admit they have a problem or are pathologic and can't be trusted with anything because of the lies that they have to live in order to prove that alcohol or drugs don't rule their lives.
So yeah, I guess I'll go there. Character matters.
So if my choice is between a thief or an alcoholic, I'll chose neither. If it's between a thief and an alcoholic that is on the wagon and has admitted his inability to cope with drinking and takes responsibility for his character flaw... Then I'll take the honest guy.
Is that what you mean?