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To: browardchad
I know it's tough to accept, but according to Hawaii law, the COLB is sufficient to prove date and place of birth.

Yeah, it is hard to accept when you and a couple of others show up for the obama bc threads and then post talking points or obama thugs lies as truth. It is hard to accept that any American would obfuscate the truth coming out about a commander in chief because it sets a precedent for the future for anyone to do the same. It could be Kim Jung Il's cousin next time and you would be it's all good. At the very least you should want truth in return for your blind faith and support in obama. It is your right to know who your president is but you come in here and you don't care about anything but denying everyone else who is seeking the truth.

The COLB is accepted as date and place of birth for U.S. passports, and every other government proof-of-birth requirement. Most states now issue the same sort of computer-generated COLB, which are also accepted as legitimate proof of birth.

What a bunch of malarky. You could not get a drivers license with what obama is showing in California. In California they do give copies but they are on paper not used in a copy machine. They are also stamped heavily. Without all of that you cannot get to step one for a passport, drivers license or government position. And you do not get to keep it after you show the BC. They keep it. I have gone through this enough times with my children so don't try to pass off your lies to me.

obama is not showing a COLB. But you thought you could pass that one off too I guess. obama is showing Certification of live birth. What obama shows is not acceptable for any federal position. It is the abbreviated version of the original. The original BC could be a actual Certificate of Live Birth, Late Birth Certificate, or Certificate of Hawaiian Birth. We need to know which one and the read information on original document and any amendments made, especially to names or place of birth.

Below is what obama would need to pass security at pearl harbor ship yard. Not one reads CERTIFICATION OF LIVE BIRTH.

a. Birth registration card

b. Certificate of live birth, birth certificate

c. Certificate of Naturalization

d. Certificate of registration

e. DD-214 (Must Cite Birthplace)

f. DD Form 4 (Contract for Enlistment and Must Cite Birthplace)

g. DD 1966 (Application for Enlistment)

h. Military discharge papers (must cite birthplace)

i. Delayed birth certificate

j. Hawaii certificate of foreign birth

k. Hospital birth certificate

l. Marriage license certificate

m. Merchant marine certificate

n. Military officer ID card

o. Notification of birth registration

p. State of Hawaii ID card

q. USA passport

r. Verbal inquiry with State of Hawaii Vital Statistics Office

I'm not speculating, by the way, just commenting on what has happened/not happened to this point with these lawsuits.

Since nothing has been investigated and a ruling based on facts what is there to comment on? The fact that obama has been able to avoid showing a simple document we all have to show certain times in our life?

We want the truth. We want facts. You say you have the truth based on what oBama allows you to know. Communist countries are run based on what they want you to know. You claim what you post here are facts.

Not good enough for me. If you accept that then bully for you. You have commented on the BC showing he was born in hawaii, you know it has not been shown in court, until then it is a forgery. Nothing on it, Hawaii birthplace or even his name is valid.

See you and bubba next time one of these threads is posted on obama's lack of BC and eligibility. But like I said, don't expect me to comment on anything posted unless it is obama finally coughing up a genuine COLB. Not a certification.

508 posted on 03/18/2009 4:23:48 PM PDT by OafOfOffice (We don't see victims. We don't see people we want to exploit. What we see is potential,Rush Limbaugh)
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To: OafOfOffice

Obama would not pass a background investigation for a security clearance. Amazing.

509 posted on 03/18/2009 4:25:14 PM PDT by CheneyChick
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To: OafOfOffice

Below is what obama would need to pass security at pearl harbor ship yard. Not one reads CERTIFICATION OF LIVE BIRTH.

a. Birth registration card

b. Certificate of live birth, birth certificate



510 posted on 03/18/2009 7:19:39 PM PDT by AndrewWalden (America is the greatest force for human progress in the world today.)
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To: OafOfOffice
you come in here and you don't care about anything but denying everyone else who is seeking the truth.

Since when is debating a subject an attempt to deny people the truth?

As far as "seeking the truth," what I see is exactly the opposite on the "certifigate" threads, which lately are being repeated over and over again. They usually start with a whole lot of screaming such as "show the certificate!" Then some brave soul will make a comment not in agreement with the "gaters," and if they persist, they immediately get labeled an Obamabot, a thug, and just about every other insult short of the bannable.

How that behavior contributes to "seeking the truth" is beyond me, as it is, I'd assume, for most reasonable people.

516 posted on 03/19/2009 3:44:43 AM PDT by browardchad
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To: OafOfOffice
obama is showing Certification of live birth.

Not really. He has presented a jpg image of a COLB. I think you would agree that a COLB and a jpg image are not the same thing.


517 posted on 03/19/2009 4:59:45 AM PDT by ml/nj
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