You are spot on, I can’t ever remember being forced to buy something the seller knew I couldn’t pay for. Also, I have never bought into anything I KNEW I couldn’t pay for. Sometimes I knew I’d have to tighten the belt to pay for it
If it’s my money I’m lending, I’m going to make sure the person is capable and probable of paying me back.
However, if someone ELSE tells me that they’ll buy this loan from me with no risk to me, well, I’ll take my commission and let them have it.
Or, if I’m under coercion that my business will be shut down, I might just have to make it a business expense to make a bad loan hear and there. I’ll end up charging the good customers more to make up for it though.
It’s too bad that the majority of Americans have been so INTENTIONALLY DUMBED DOWN that they can’t make these logical analyses of the assertions.