No mention of the fact that many kids who go to a piss pot public school system like Washington, DC’s drop out as soon as they are legally able, if not before. Obviously, they feel that something is lacking, or maybe they fear for life and limb.
Let’s see, $7,000 for a school voucher to Sidwell Friends; $15,000 or so for a crappy Washington, DC, public school. Which is more successful (on so many levels), the public school or the private school?
Seems to me it’s cheaper to give Washington, DC, kids vouchers.
That “a longer school day, a longer school year” baloney is just that, baloney. Do it in 180 days or less or close up shop. A lot of private schools do and they have much better results.
Blacks should really go after Obama for this, bigtime.
Bill Ayers is VERY big on charter schools as a tool to radicalize students. That's what his "Small Schools Initiative" was all about (patially funded for awhile by CAC when Obama was CEO at CAC). Keep a close eye on this.
Tuesday, March 10th, 2009 at 10:32 am
“Taking on Education”
SNIPPET: “He proposed five pillars of reform:
1) “Investing in early childhood initiatives” like Head Start;
2) “Encouraging better standards and assessments” by focusing on testing itineraries that better fit our kids and the world they live in;
3) “Recruiting, preparing, and rewarding outstanding teachers” by giving incentives for a new generation of teachers and for new levels of excellence from all of our teachers.
4) “Promoting innovation and excellence in Americas schools” by supporting charter schools, reforming the school calendar and the structure of the school day.
5) “Providing every American with a quality higher education—whether it’s college or technical training.””