This Pro-Life, Generation-X Conservative was among the few Gen X’ers just old enough to vote for Ronald Reagan in 1984.
I consider myself very fortunate.
Xer Ping
Ping list for the discussion of the politics and social (and sometimes nostalgic) aspects that directly effects Generation Reagan / Generation-X (Those born from 1965-1981) including all the spending previous generations are doing that Gen-X and Y will end up paying for.
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Missed Reagan but voted for Bush Sr. I disagree with Keyes in this one. It again tries to shut out the values and morals of the party and what they should promote! My two cents...
I was right behind you, first voting in 1988. I thought Dukakis made it a blazingly simple, obvious choice, but every single one of my friends thought I was nuts for voting for a republican. Guess they’re the Gen-Xers we should be worried about. :/
Liberty doesn’t exist without the morality of the individual. Period.
This Gen-Xer is pro-life. Many of us are.
I turned 18 in time for the 1984 election, too.
I recall my first disagreement about an election—I got into an argument with a classmate in 1980 about who would win. He was convinced Carter would get a second term. I told him he was nuts, Reagan would win.
I was in middle school. Guess this political thing runs deep.
And another GenXer who is Pro-Life here. Any conservative friends my age are the same way.