MOgirl, I sit down with my kids often to explain world events and national politics. I'm the history, gov't, and civics teacher in our home school house.
You're right that we need to stop this for the children's sake. They'll spend their lives in a miserable Communist hellhole, if we don't. And I just cannot live with that idea.
I love them dearly, and want them (and my grand children) to live their lives in the same America that I grew up believing in.
In fact, it's not just my kids. It's all the kids. They're the America of the future. We owe it to them, to defend their country for all we're worth.
Those who came before us did the same for us, with their blood sweat and tears. We should do no less.
Yes, it’s sad about the good kids; but the truth is that the Gen Y generation with their brainwashed minds voted for President Obama to sign them up for massive debt and to destroy their futures.
The good kids need to be taught how to survive in this bleak new landscape. They need to learn now the lessons our grandparents learned in the Great Depression.
They need to learn workday skills and a nonmaterialist way of living and religious ideals that will sustain them, and they need to be taught the political realities and how to work in the political/media arena to dig their generation out of this deep hole that is coming.
Amen. We will have to do what we must do.