“Mitt is/was not perfect. However, the man performed well considering the Dems outnumber the Reps in the State legislature by a 9-to-1 margin.”
Why is it that he dropped his republican registration in protest against Reagan, supported Swet, voted for Paul Tsongas in 1992, why did he give money exclusively to democrat candidates (in multiple states)for years until he re registered republican in 1993 (the year he stopped giving to dems) while still being against Gingrich and the Contract with America in 1994?
The reasons that Mitt Romney was not a fighter in Mass is that he liked things the way they were, he could play soft and say he tried and the result fit his politics anyway.
Ronald Reagan was a Democrat for many years. He supported “no-fault” divorce and abortion while governor of CA. That said, he modified his postions and became one of the greatest, if not THE greatest president in this country’s history.
I’d say RR’s divorce and abortion laws were worse than anything Mitt did.
Mitt is far from ideal - but I’d take him in the White House over what currently resides there.