Can a conservative be stupid enough not to understand this trivial matter?
When we sacrifice our values in order to nominate someone who is a leftist in order to beat a leftist (i.e. McCain and to a lesser extent Bush) then this is what we get...The American people dont understand what a Republican stands for because a Republican doesnt understand what a Republican stands for.
Conservatives should stand for the constitution, limited federal govt. and freedom. When the left defines what the right stands for we lose.
It’s not just who has the majorities in Congress. We have some long-festering fatal flaws in our system of government that have allowed us to arrive at what is essentially an authoritarian regime. It’s not completely Obama’s doing, either; he’s just taking advantage of what has already been provided for him. What led to these fatal flaws? Decades-long increases in federal government size and power. A disregard for any kind of constitutional principal. A lazy, head-in-the-sand citizenry that likes all of the nice things government does for it, without thought of how it’s all going to be paid for and who is going to do it. A lazy, head-in-the-sand electorate that can’t be bothered with keeping an eye on what its so-called representatives have been doing, much less pay attention long enough to make intelligent choices at election time.
Whatever “resistance” conservatives have offered in the past has been lacking. It isn’t enough to hold our ground. We have to push this monster back. That’s going to take a lot of work, and it’s going to depend on people seeing and understanding the problem and making elected officials accountable for their actions. Probably a task on the order of Hercules cleaning the Augean stables. I’m not personally concerned about what is going to happen 40 years from now because I am not likely to be here. But I would like, in my own lifetime, not to have to finally bid farewell to the America that once was. I would like to do what I can to make sure that my children and grandchildren have a decent, authentic—and FREE—America to live in. This is our country, damn it — NOT the country of the rotten gangs in Washington (and some state capitals, and some city halls) that are turning us from free (or maybe semi-free) citizens into serfs.
No political resistance, but I think we’re heading into a summer of rage that will make 1968 look like a cake walk.
10%+ unemployment and an oblivious Washington is a bad, bad mix.
From the Panic of 1893:
Problem is everywhere I look I see and hear people wanting to protest but are afraid to break a law.
Especially here at FR.
A truly honorable protest WILL be breaking the law, a peaceful “kumbaya” series of protests won’t make the MSM blink.
It takes protests and initiatives that will demonstrate the will to deny key parts of the government from achieving certain goals.
God forbid...we actually brainstorm and execute a battle-plan against a racist UnAmerican enemy.......the MSM, the Democrat Party and their Fuhrer.
The MSM is the ratchet that drives the country to the left. Even the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan would have been popular except for the MSM trying to daily sell defeatism and cooperate with our enemies.
We must find a way around the MSM. Rush is good, but not enough. I do not think the MSM is imploding fast enough. I am open to suggestions.