I sincerely pray that you and others would cease from the Bush worship.
Bush’s liberalism is the reason 0bama’s now president. I wish Kerry had won 4 years ago, the GOP would have been stronger as a result, and less socialism would have been accomplished instead of the “Preface, Introduction and Chapter 1” of socialism that Bush gave us.
Now we’re getting Chapters 2,3,4,..... of Socialism.
The GOP will have little credibility in resisting 0bama if the socialist record of Bush is continually excused, misrepresented or ignored.
Absolute drivel.
Bush was a great President who presided over a war on terror and carried it to the enemy. He was unable to control the Senate that worked continuously to disrupt him. Your sour, nay bitter denunciation is the reason there is no conservative leadership. You carp at any head that raises up.