How many millions a day is the One costing the taxpayers for him to show off his “ride” by running around the country with the AF1 fleet of TWO 747s, a C-5, a C-141, and various helos?
Perhaps AF-zero would be more descriptive?
Perhaps AF-zero would be more descriptive?"
On his last Chicago visit BHO also has a 24/7 CAP (Combat Air Patrol) up over the "Windy City". That consisted of 2 F-15's or F-16's in the air at all times. And to keep them up there, to the tune of around 6000lbs of fuel/hr each was an AR mission (Airborne Refueling) with a tanker doing laps over Lake Michigan. And add to that the fact that whenever AF1 moved all other air traffic for O'Hare was put into a holding pattern and burned off more fuel.
All that just so BHO could take FLOTUS to dinner and shoot hoops wit Da Boyz in Da Hood.
But at least King Richie will get his $1.7 mil back in tourist revenue.
Just look at the flocks coming to see BHO's house in ChiTown: