When is Levi Johnstone going to marry Bristol ? Didn't they say they are going to get married and avoid making this kid a bastard child ?
Excuse me, but isn’t Tripp Sarah’s boy??
How is this a concern of yours?
I said the same thing to my husband last night. What’s the deal...go to the JP and get married already!!
I saw the interview and she is a lovely sweet 18 year old kid. The family is really taking care of these two. Sarah Palin has an awesome set of parents!!
bastard child,
There are also a lot of self righteous bastards on FR
this article is a crock of bull......Trip is Sarah’s son NOT Bristol’s.
and frankly, it is none of our business!
I would not be surprised if they didn’t marry. And, Bristol is like nearly 100% of teens who have sex before marriage - they wish they’d waited.
It’s a sad situation, though I expect the Palins will make the best of it. That little boy will be just fine.
“a bastard child”
Come call my stepson that to his face. Please.
Self righteous prigs....they are the true bastards of the human race.
Trig, Tripp. Who’s going to have a Trick?
You sought the sewer and found it.
Well, if they can’t serve as a role model, at they can serve as an example not to emulate.
At least they didn’t abort.
“happened in, like, 10 years so I could have a job and an education and be, like, prepared and have my own house and stuff.”
Just curious...when they quote Caroline Kennedy, do they include all of the “likes” and “stuff”?
Same goes with President Obama...when he’s quoted, shouldn’t all of the “uhs” and “ums” be included?
I cannot stand Absolute Pravda (AP) anymore.
Some months ago, they were saying they’d be married this summer. In this interview, Bristol pushed it back later. I don’t remember exactly what she did say but it wasn’t this summer. I don’t think she knows.
I think she said something about after they get their education. I don’t like this response from Bristol, but I don’t blame her mother. Bristol is showing some immaturity in this interview, and some grown up thoughts. But she sounded somewhat confused.
I repeat....How is this a concern of yours?
How is it your business? Are you friggin’ Oprah?
Well, kiddo, let that be a lesson: never take something serious that's poked at you for fun.
Great interview. It’s refreshing to see a family that is 100% supportive of each other - even when mistakes are made. As Sarah said, you make the best of the facts in front of you. It’s also refreshing to see a politician who is not afraid to be exactly who she really is. “Authentic” described Sarah the day she was introduced to us and it still fits. She is not ashamed of herself, her family, or her circumstances. She lives her life unapologetically and that includes her belief in Jesus Christ. Few public servants come close to being as refreshingly spirited and honest as Sarah Palin. 2012 can’t get here fast enough for me.
Leave that poor girl alone you jerk.