Posted on 02/17/2009 2:28:27 PM PST by SeekAndFind
In a world in which LIBERALS rule, WORDS mean what you want them to mean.
Case in point, look up the definition of the word MARRIAGE. We all know what it USED to be, now with liberal intervention it has changed.
So while the meaning of the word bastard is one thing today, tomorrow it all depends on what he meaning of the word is, "IS"!
Was it a mistake or was it sin?
I am not the one to pass judgement are you?
Lucky him :)
I have to get to bed. It was an interesting thread.
Night all.
You sound like a really great sub...the kids are lucky. My youngest just had to do a paper on the ‘Greatest President’ everyone did Washington, Lincoln or Kennedy. My little conservative did Ronald Reagan. Fifty out of fifty points...and a nice note from his teacher on the paper ‘:) I agree...’ (And this is in a public PA...:)
Night Twink, hugs & prayers ~Pandy~
Hi Pandy!!! And good night Pandy!!! I just saw the time...yikes!!! Toodles!!!
I don’t know that I have all the answere but what I have observed is one, that by the time a kid is teenager they’ve received countless hours of indoctrination by a sex obsessed world and playing catch up is nearly impossible.
But parents can certainly examine their own attitudes and consider what they’re teaching that way. Honest and straight forward converstion is a help too however hard.
That’s one thing that religious instruction once provided, a venue for the teaching that some things were wrong because God said so, not just because “you’ll get caught!”
One huge problem with having fatherless families, is that the young men grow old without growing up. They never learn to become men. They see the caricature offered up by popular entertainment as a reality and normal family life as a myth or scam.
Patrick Moynihan made some succinct comments on where the out of wedlock birthrate in his day was leading and so it has. And the pathologies have followed predictably.
But I’ve also watched chidren I knew from birth to adulthood become truly successful people because they were taught what is right and wrong, and why it is. They became adults that had not spent a life filling their heads with nihlist pornography and violent entertainment.
There are things that work, I’ve seen it over and over.
G’nite, Twink. My best to you and yours!
I venture to say you are not so non-judgmental about whether, say, the fellow who hot-wires your car and drives off with it, is guilty of theft.
Some morality we care about, others we let slide. I’m sticking up for the morality that argues children need committed fathers and mothers from day one.
And therein lies your misunderstanding. Political conservatism, which is the focus of this site, is just that: political. Premarital sex as immoral (or sin) is a moral/religious issue, not a political one.
Do people with similar beliefs often overlap convictions on the subject? Yes. However, championing political conservatism does not, in an absolute matter, include making religious or moral judgements about others personal lives.
You have some serious problems.
Before I was in the legal field I was in an ecclesiastical setting. Bishop and other clergy. Never heard such
self righteous tripe.
All law is rooted in morality. We can disagree about it, but we shouldn’t paper over the differences.
Even having said that, I was under the impression that Palin was presented as an upholder of traditional Judaeo-Christian morality, even on sexual morality, as it concerns political issues, such as abstinence education.
It is not out of bounds to consider whether that commitment has indeed transferred to her daughter when Palin herself indicates that her daughter’s behaviour has compromised her credibility on the issue.
You sound, in your need to pathologise sin, like an Episcopalian, but even, granting you were Catholic, a southern Californian Catholic might be pardoned for not ever having heard any clear preaching on sexual morality from his bishop.
. Im sticking up for the morality that argues children need committed fathers and mothers from day one.
I agree with parents being committed. However if you steal my Harley (I don’t own a car) you are in big trouble lmao!
Ah! Moral consensus on something at last!
This Bishop was very Conservative and before going into Holy Orders, was a ret. Military officer.
So Palin may not be a good candidate because her child(ren) may disagree with her? Because Sarah didn't teach Bristol properly (according to your definition of proper)?
O.K. I have two questions. Do you have children? And, do they agree with you on every issue?
Did he preach or teach that fornication was indeed sin? Did he teach or preach that the validity of chastity as a virtue was indeed accessible via natural law and not special revelation?
I’m not really interested in the Sarah-Bristol dynamic, but it should be understood by those who care about things like abstinence education (not that any of you necessarily do, but many social conservatives do) that Sarah Palin’s credibility on political issues relating to sexual morality has been compromised by Bristol’s actions.
Bristol’s moral blindness just makes damage control that much harder, because she can’t even admit that what she did was fundamentally wrong, further undermining Palin’s ability to argue that some issues of sexual morality are accessible to natural law analysis and therefore applicable to the entire population, not just those who belong to Palin’s religious traditions.
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