A couple of thoughts strike me at a time like this in our nations’ history; First, while I am proud to see the Repubs finding a collective sack, one wonders if they would even find themselves on their knees looking up at the Socialists in power had they reigned in spending when they had the power to. So, in a way their plea that this bill is too much spending is a tad ironic. Second, what if it works? Against all the examples that history displays to us, what if by some quirk of reality, Porkulus does what the Socialists claims that it will, and fixes the economy? I find myself in something of a quandry here. If it works, then good for the nation. If it does not work, then good for the Repubs chances in future (2010, 2012)elections. I guess it depends on wether or not one values their party more than their country. Frankly I am not sure what to hope for here and I would like someones’ input.
How can it when the majority of the welfare provisions kick in sooner than the measley actual workfare does. Yes there can be a persona put on by simply printing money but it will catch up sooner than later.
The opening here for a smartass wisecrack is just to large for me to take advantage of politely.
Simply put, only a small portion of the Stimulus Package will even go to employing people. The jobs those people will be doing can't technically even be called "jobs", as they are only temporary positions on gov't work projects. Those temp positions will disappear as soon as those projects are finished.
Real, sustaining jobs are only created through the mechanisms of the free market, where a person's labor at a task is perpetuated by an ongoing trade of needed and wanted services and products for a valuable exchange.
Truth: Government produces nothing of value to an economy. It can only take from an economy - never add value to it.
Ergo; the Stimulus will do absolutely nothing to improve our real economy. That "quirk of reality" will never come.